Your digital
Legal Department

In order to relieve you in the best possible way, we have aligned our modules precisely to the needs of HR work:

Question & Answer: Clever support in everyday HR life
Template pool: Legally compliant documents at any time
Separation Manager and Freelancer Check: Instant help with high-risk issues
Pragmatic and fast


Use our intelligent legal tech modules - without limit

Question & Answer: Reliable information on all labor law topics
Freelancer Check: Banish risks for bogus self-employment
Separation Manager: Analysis and solution of separation cases
Pragmatic and practice-oriented
Current and safe


Our template pool provides you with documents you need on-demand

Intuitive templates for all common HR documents
Maintained by experts: Up-to-date and legally secure at all times
According to the current Verification Act (Nachweisgesetz)
Coming soon: Flexible generators
Experienced and proven


For individual counseling and representation in court

If needed: Seamless handover to carefully selected law firms
Specialists in labor law
Transparent thanks to attractive, pre-negotiated hourly rates
In case of legal representation: Individual billing

Reliable support in any situation

Whether it's an everyday query, a quickly needed document or a high risk issue, such as a separation case: With twinwin, you always have the right support at your side.

"We founded twinwin because we ourselves were distracted from the really important things in our HR and legal work by employment law: Taking care of the needs of our employees and candidates."
— Max Bauermeister & Eleni Arvaniti (Founders of twinwin)

Say goodbye to the uncertainties of "law firm Google" and the headaches of whether the high hourly rate is justified time after time. Employment law can be so simple.

press logo: t3n digital pioneerspress logo: legal laymanpress logo: Gründerszenepress logo: Welt Online Zeitung

Frequent questions

Which areas does Q&A cover?

The entire German employment law. Often, we help the smaller companies with the basics. As the number of employees rises, the complexity of the questions increases, too. We reliably deliver the precise information that will help you get ahead.

Where does your know-how come from?

With our co-founder Eleni Arvaniti, we have an experienced lawyer on board who has also built up HR and legal departments herself. Together with our legal staff and partnering law firms, she ensures the legal security of our content on an ongoing basis.

How many requests may I make?

All our modules can be used by you when and how often you need them. We offer you legal support before it becomes critical. This way, potential conflicts can be proactively identified and eliminated - without high hourly rates breathing down your neck.

How can you be so affordable?!

Most questions in employment law occur in a similar form in many different companies. We can therefore reuse content that has been created once. This is how we democratize the legal market with intelligent automation and machine learning.